UVA/UVB In-Vitro Testing – Broad Spectrum Claim
In-Vitro Test
Used to determine the combined level of UVA/UVB protection of sunscreen products.
- FDA Critical Wavelength Determination
- International Standard ISO 24443 – Determination of sunscreen UVA Photoprotection In-Vitro
- COLIPA – “COLIPA In-Vitro UV Protection Method” – In-Vitro method for the determination of the UVA Protection Factor and Critical Wavelength values of sunscreen products, 2011
- The Boots Star Rating – “Measurement of UVA:UVB Ratios According to the Boots Star Rating System – 2011 revision”
- AS/NZS 2604:2012 – “Australian/New Zealand Standard; Sunscreen Products – Evaluation and Classification”
Summary of Testing Equipment
Labsphere UV-2000S Benchtop Sunscreen Analyzers is used for various in-vitro measurement methods of UVA/UVB protection factors of sunscreen including the FDA, ISO24443, AS-NZS 2604:2021, COLIPA and Boots Star.
Pre-Irradiation Light Sources used for FDA Critical Wavelength Determination:
- Solar Light Xenon Arc UV Simulator – Model 16S-300-003 V4.0
- Solar Light Xenon Arc UV Simulator – Model LS1000-6S-UV
Pre-Irradiation Light Sources used for ISO24443, AS-NZS 2604:2012, COLIPA and Boots Star sunscreen testing methods:
- Atlas Suntest™ CPS+ Long-Arc Xenon Solar Simulator equipped with SunCool temperature control system
Research grade PMA 2100 Radiometers equipped with following detectors:
- PMA2110 – UVA Detector
- PMA2106 – UVB Detector
- PMA2101 – SUV (Erythemally weighted) Detector